Employee Table

The Employee Table is a central part of the InfiniTime software. Most employee information can be viewed and edited from this table. After the initial installation employee setup is generally the first item that needs to be addressed. Employees can either be inserted manually or imported from a comma separated file. (.CSV) If possible importing from a file will often save data entry time. Refer to the Import section of this document for more information regarding the import feature.



Insert – Displays the employee update form. Used to Insert a new employee.


Change – Opens the Employee Update Form for the highlighted employee.


Delete – Deletes the highlighted employee from the InfiniTime Database. All timecard activity associated with the employee will also be removed.


Timecard – Opens the Timecard Activity window and displays timecard information for the highlighted employee only.


Hide Inactive Employees - When this option is checked inactive employees will not be listed in the employee table.